

Ambient sound bathing is a reliable way of relieving stress that can be enjoyed by both seasoned and beginner meditators alike.

DRIFT incorporates decades of scientific research into their soundscapes, helping listeners meditate by carefully blending soothing ambient music, binaural beats, pink noise and a variety of other sounds that can help optimize our body’s natural rhythms, improving our overall health. Take a listen…

Listen to DRIFT on InsightTimer


Listen to DRIFT on InsightTimer 〰️

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Book a Sound Bath


Book a Sound Bath 〰️

Reach out and invite DRIFT into your own community for a live sound bathing experience that won’t be forgotten. Learn about how our brains experience music, what brainwaves are, and how we can guide our minds into a calmer state by applying the power of sound. Experience biofeedback generated music and visual art, YES, music and art being created by monitoring electrical rhythms found in humans and plants!